
countdown's on

I am counting down the days till I leave, 64, but having a hard time deciding what to pack. There are small piles all over my room of possible 'brings'. How do you even begin packing for two years? I have a hard time packing for weekend trips.

Crazily enough, I have gotten in contact with a couple people who are in Sierra Leone right now. Their advice on what to bring has really helped me out. One thing I know for sure is that from now until June, I will be cutting rice completely out of my diet (not like I ate that much rice to begin with); I keep being told that rice is about 95% of your food intake. Yum.

So, I've decided to stock up on the food I want while I can still have it. Yogurtland and Starbucks. Still, I think I am going to miss Myleigh the most, I wish I could take her with.


I've been waiting since August 2010 for what happened yesterday. That UPS man probably was unaware  he was delivering a package that would soon change my life, literally. My assignment for the Peace Corps is teaching English to secondary level students (7-12th grade) in Sierra Leone, Africa.  I'm due to leave, 06-01-11, that's right around the corner!

Excited is an understatement.